Vixen 2,8-15×56

Vixen 2,8-15×56 riffilsjónaukinn, frábær  kostur fyrir þá sem vilja  gæði og áræðanleika, höfum nú þegar  orðið mjög góða reynslu af Vixen sjónaukum og  getum, svo sannalega mælt með þeim.

Kross BDC með ljósi

Framleiddur í Japan

Stækkun 2,8-15

Linsa 56 mm sem gefur  góða  birtu

Verð 170.000 kr.

Tæknilegar upplýsingar frá framleiðanda  hér fyrir neðan á ensku


The Vixen <b> rifle scope 2.8-15 x 56</b> offers an extremely wide range of applications thanks to its large magnification range of <b>2.8-15x</b>. <br> 

The glass features the modern<b>reticle BDC10</b>.<br>
With the 15x magnification, it is just as suitable for long range shooters as it is for mountain hunters.
Even at short distances, such as for driven hunting, it can score just as well with its <b>2.8x magnification</b> and a wide field of view of <b>13.5 m</b>.<br> The good light transmission of the glass makes shooting possible even in poor lighting conditions. 
Its low weight of just <b>785 g</b> keeps the weight of the weapon low and thus agility high.