Mauser M03 rifflar koma í eftirfarandi caliberum:
.243 Win., .270 Win., .308 Win., .30-06, 7 mm Rem. Mag., .300 Win. Mag., .375 H&H Mag., 6,5x55SE, 7×64, 8x57IS, 9,3×62, 8x68S
Verð: 650.000 kr Til á lager í 6,5×55
Lýsing framleiðanda: Technically, the MAUSER M 03 PURE scores with its standard equipment including set trigger and “MagSafe” magazine lock. Optically, the ground-breaking new stock consistently continues the unmistakable look for MAUSER hunting weapons. The fitted German cheek with hinge, the striking bead around the magazine frame as well as the progressive lines to the forearm tip give it the unique dynamic of a real “MAUSER Sporting Rifle”

Upplýsingar framleiðanda: Modular system in terms of calibre and barrel length

Upplýsingar framleiðanda: Receiver and barrel surface made of plasma-nitrided steel

Auðvelt er að skipta um boltahaus og eru þeir mismunandi eftir því hvort um sé að ræða Standar eða Magnum skothylki. Upplýsingar framleiðanda: Locking system integrated directly into the barrel