M03 Diplomat er fáanlegur í eftirtöldum caliberum: 243 Win., .270 Win., .308 Win., .30-06, 7 mm Rem. Mag., .300 Win. Mag., .375 H&H Mag., 6,5x55SE, 7×64, 8x57IS, 9,3×62, 8x68S
Lýsing framleiðanda: Decorated hunting weapons have been an expression of deep appreciation for a proven tool which can bring hunting success and thereby the desired game at the decisive moment since time immemorial.
MAUSER’s DIPLOMAT bolt action rifle continues this tradition on. Masterful engraving by renowned German artist decorate the sleeve, chamber and base of the magazine. As an ornament, you can choose from Fine English, Rustic Oakleaf, or powerful Celtic design. On request, the base of the magazine can be given a stylish game motif.

Viðargæði 7.

Glæsilegt láshús þar sem listamenn fanga augað.

M03 DIPLOMAT glæsilegur gripur. Gera má ráð fyrir lengri afgreiðslu á sérpöntunum og því upplagt spjalla við Jóa byssusmið um áætlað verð.