B14 HMR (HUNTING & MATCH RIFLE) Verð: 240.000 kr
Vinstri handar Verð: 260.000 kr ( sérpöntun)
ATH Sjónauki og tvífótur fylgir ekki.
Nánari upplýsingar má sjá á heimasíðu Bergara https://www.bergara.online/en/rifles/b14/hmr-rifle/

Vörulýsing framleiðanda. Hunting and Match rifles are built to offer a rifle for both hunters and competition shooters that can perform incredibly in either situation. The stock features an adjustable cheekpiece and length of pull spacers. Built in Spain at our highly automated and efficient barrel factory, this rifle delivers a level of quality and performance that is unmatched in its price range.

ATH tvífótur fylgir ekki

HMR er með álbeddingu.

Auðvelt er að stilla skefti eftir aðstæðum hvers og eins.

Bergara HMR kemur með snittuðu hlaupi.

Auðvelt er að lengja eða stytta skefti á Bergara HMR.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda. The world-renowned Bergara barrel on this long range precision rifle is complemented by our own super-smooth B-14 Action, which is a two-lug system with a Sako-style extractor and a coned bolt nose and breech to ensure a smooth feeding and extraction of the cartridge. It’s also outfitted with a Bergara curved trigger we designed to guarantee a crisp, clean pull every time you fire the rifle. The trigger comes set at about three pounds. It has been factory drilled and tapped to fit Remington 700 style rings and bases.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda. A 5-round AICS compatible detachable magazine is standard with our HMR rifle. QD flush cups are included in the stock to allow for easy attachment and detachment of slings.