Bergara BA13 Take-Down er meðfærilegur riffil. Cal 243Win og 308Win. Hllaup 20 tommur, twist 1:10 snittað 5/8”-24 UNEF. BA13 kemur með áföstum basa fyrir sjónaukahringi. Önnur caliber fáanleg í sérpöntun.
Verð: 110.000kr
Taska fyrir BA13. Verð 10.000 kr

Vörulýsing framleiðanda: This model offers the super-performance of the BA13 rifle and adds the feature of the Take-Down system. It allows us very easy transportation, even inside the backpack, and we can assembly and desassembly it in very few seconds. In addition, we keep the accuracy of the rifle because the scoup mount is on the barrel.

Taska fyrir BA13. Verð 7.000 kr