Bergara B14 Timber cal 6,5 CM . Verð: 190.000 kr
Vinstri handar cal 308 Win. Verð: 195.000 kr
Hlaup 24tommur, Twist1:8.66. Hlaup snittað M14x1. Magasín innbyggt 3+1.
B14 Timber er fáanlegur í eftirröldum caliberum: (sérpöntun)
B14 SHORT ACTION .243 Win. 6,5 Creedmoor* .308 Win.
B14 LONG ACTION 6,5X55 SE .270 Win. .30-06 Spring .30-06 Spring 8X57 JS 9,3X62
B14 MAGNUM ACTION 7mm RemMag .300 WinMag

Vörulýsing framleiðanda: This superb action in combination with a free floating BERGARA barrels guarantees excellent accuracy.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda: Our B14 action is accurate, reliable and probably the smoothest bolt action on the market in its segment. It features a two-lug bolt with a 90º opening angle and the dimensions allow easy customization with all kinds of accessories (rails, mounts, triggers, stocks…) available on the market.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda og þar kemur meðal annars fram að þessi veiðiriffil er með svo kallaðri pilar beddingu: We created our stocks for optimum comfort in all shooting positions. For those who prefer elegance and timeless design rather than easy care, the TIMBER model with its oiled walnut stock is the good choice. This walnut stock includes epoxy pillars which protect and avoid deformations of the wood and keep accuracy level stable over the time.